Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Week 5: Information Management

How to manage our information so it will be quick and easy to access.
Most of us use computers to manage our information.
Atom-based are hard copies of information. eg books, papers and reports. Pros - we can hold it, easy to protect and difficult to change and copy. Cons - size maybe a problem, costly and difficult to edit and distribute.
Bit-based are data information. They have an electronic content. Pros - file type can be changed easily to suite any format, it’s cheap, easy to edit, mass produce and broadcast. Cons - can easily be copied, SPAM, easy to steal, fake and changed.
The changed goods and services - internet banking, emails and mp3 players.
Changing goods and services - TV and shopping.

Newspapers, magazines and books are atoms which most of our information are received. Nicholas Negroponte told us a story which happened when he was visiting the headquarters of a circuit manufacturer in America and explained that his laptop (atom) was not worth much but the bits in his laptop was almost priceless. He told us another story where he visited a senior retreat where he presented samples of unreleased products (atoms) to the seniors to enhance their knowledge in communication technology. Soon after the samples were shipped back to the company but was checked in customs. On the same day he was sending data (bits) back and forth in cyberspace. His bits were not held up in customs unlike the atoms. In the internet weightless bits travels fast as the speed of light from one place to another to send and receive data. In the digital world advertisements and services of products is essential for any company who wants to enhance their company in the sales industry. But the products (atoms) will have to be move from one place to another place physically to transport the products to the consumers. A book is light weighted, easy to read through and not very expensive. But getting the book requires shipping and sometime books can go out of print then it will be impossible to buy one. Digital information can never go out of print, they are updated when new information is available, mostly free to view and they are always there.

Read a tutorial on how to use bookmarks and favourites in the inette website.
I created 3 favourites folders (Anime, Gamez and Silkroad Online) with 2 websites in them each.
I took a screenshot of the favourite folders I did to upload in my blog.
Read Nicholas Negroponte’s ‘Being Digital’ ‘The DNA of Information.’
Then we wrote a 250 words review on ‘atoms’ and ‘bits.’

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