Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Week 3: Presentation Strategies

Presentations can be a website, CDs, video, essays, papers and an oral presentation.
Audiences only remember 10% of seeing something, 25% of seeing and hearing, 40% of seeing, hearing and writing and 60% if they’re experiencing it interactively.
In a speech there is an introduction, body and conclusion.
There are 6 effective components to an introduction and 3 of them are ‘attention getters,’ thesis statement and preview.
The body should have the main ideas and references to research.
The conclusion should re-assert the thesis, revise the main ideas and close effectively.
Always keep a backup of your work.
Rehearse your speech.
For PowerPoint - KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.
Only add things that will make the presentation better.
Ask the audience questions that will make the audience think.
Have good eye contact and speak clearly.

Read “How to give a bad talk” by David Patterson.
Read the notes we took from the lecture.
We created a PowerPoint presentation on how to make a good presentation.
I made 6 slides - title, introduction, 3 main bodies and a summary with an animation effect to enhance the presentation.
Screenshot all 6 slide to upload to my blog.

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